The NATTB Secretariat is a Statutory Office within the Ministry of Labour & Industrial Relations, established in the early 1950s. It is mandated by an Act of Parliament – under the NATTB Act 1986 & Supporting Regulations 1991. The National Apprenticeship & Trade Testing Board compromises of industry and public organization representatives. The secretariat is overseen by the Director.
NATTB is committed to:
Apprenticeship is a universally accepted method of training by which a person, either male or female gains employment and is trained in a particular trade that he/ she is engaged in. An apprentice and an employer sign an agreement under which the apprentice agrees to learn a trade during the term of the apprenticeship (4 years) and the employer agrees to provide the opportunity and facilities for the apprentice to learn that trade
Entry requirements
Statistics for 2018:
Manage the Apprentice Training System
Competency based assessment to recognize skills and knowledge – no matter how they were gained. Trade testing was established in the year 2000 as an alternate pathway to recognize skills and knowledge in trades and other occupations for the informal persons.
How it works:
Candidates pay a fee to be assessed
Trade Test Statistics conducted in the seven (7) core trades in 2018:
Manage the National Trade Testing Certification System (NTTCS)
Target Group. Skilled people who are not fortunate to attain formal recognition through the formal apprenticeship training system. The NTTCS is an alternate pathway to gaining such qualification.
Role of the NATTB Secretariat is to facilitate the development of National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS) using the Industrial Technical Committee (ITC). The Industry and public institutions play a vital role as they supply the skill expertise for the development of the NOSS. Driven by industry, the NOSS reflects the current workplace practices.
Recognized National Occupational Skills Standards currently in print:
Manage the Development of the National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS):