Business Studies Standard

Business Studies is a broad subject in the Social Sciences, allowing the in-depth study of a range of specialties such as accountancy, finance, organisation, human resources management and marketing.
The following workplace competency standards have been identified and prepared by industry people and represent different levels of skills and knowledge required to work within the Office Administration sector of Papua New Guinea.
Level 1
- Unit BS-COM101 Workplace Communication
- BS-COM102 Participating in the Workplace
- BS-CUS101 Reception Protocol
- BS-FIN101 Basic Financial Documents
- BS-INF101 File Documents
- BS-INF102 Handling of Mail
- BS-ORG101 Personal Work Schedule
- BS-ORG102 Occupational Health and Safety
- BS-TEC101 Office Equipment – Basic Tasks
- BS-TEC102 Basic Computer Operations
Level 2
- BS-COM201 Simple Business Correspondence
- BS-CUS201 Handling Customer Complaints
- BS-FIN201 Debtor and Creditor Preparation
- BS-FIN202 Prepare and Process Financial Documentation
- BS-FIN203 Monitor Consumable Stock Levels
- BS-FIN204 Maintain Cash and Credit Journals
- BS-INF201 Maintain Records System
- BS-ORG201 Pre-Plan Meetings
- BS-ORG202 Prepare Schedule on Behalf of Others
- BS-TEC201 Computer – Simple Drafts
- BS-TEC202 Office Equipment – Multi-Task
- BS-TEC203 Copying and Collating Documents
Level 3
- BS-COM301 Provision of Requested Information
- BS-C0M302 Take Dictation (Elective Unit)
- BS-CUS301 Resolve Customer Complaints
- BS-CUS302 Advising Customers
- BS-FIN301 Maintain Financial Records for Reporting
- BS-FIN302 Maintain Consumable Stock Records
- BS-FIN303 Prepare Bank Reconciliations
- BS-FIN304 Monitor Cash Control
- BS-INF301 File Maintenance
- BS-ORG301 Organise Travel Arrangements
- BS-ORG302 Working With Colleagues
- BS-ORG303 Organise Conduct of Routine Meetings
- BS-TEC301 Office Equipment – Advanced Functions
- BS-TEC302 Computer File Maintenance
- BS-TEC303 Operate and Maintain a Computer Printer
- BS-TEC304 Document Design